create multiplayer lobby
The UI in the picture titled "Create Lobby" is designed for setting up a game lobby, featuring various functional elements organized for user interaction.
Title: At the top, a bold label, "Create Lobby," clearly indicates the purpose of the window.
Input Fields:
- Lobby Name: A text box for naming the game lobby, currently filled with "COOP CAMPAIGN" highlighted in green for visibility.
- Lobby Type: A dropdown to select the type of match, currently set to "Unranked."
- Visibility: Another dropdown for choosing the lobby visibility, currently set to "Public."
- Players: This field specifies the number of players, with a numerical input box currently showing "2."
- Co-Op Campaign: A selectable option for cooperative gameplay, currently checked.
- Event Scenario: An option that is available but unchecked, allowing for specific scenarios during gameplay.
Settings Note: A disclaimer states that certain settings cannot be altered after game creation, providing clarity and essential information.
Set Password: A field for entering a password to restrict access to the lobby, contributing to privacy features.
Checkbox Options:
- Allow Spectators: A choice to permit spectators in the game, currently unchecked.
- Hide Civilizations: Another checkbox that is also unchecked, indicating whether civilization details are visible to players.
Spectator Delay: A dropdown to select the delay time for spectators, currently set to "None."
Server and Data Mod:
- Server: A dropdown to select the server type, currently showing "Default."
- Data Mod: Another dropdown indicating the mod being used, currently set to "Definitive Set."
Action Buttons: At the bottom, two prominent buttons:
- Create Lobby: A red button to submit the lobby creation.
- Cancel: An adjacent red button for exiting the screen.
The form is presented in a rustic aesthetic, with a slight decorative border that fits the context of the game. The layout prioritizes clarity and ease of use, making it straightforward for users to customize their game lobby settings.
Age of Empires 2 Definitive Edition
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Age of Empires 2 Definitive Edition