more info about profile: tribe might, battle victores and defeats

more info about profile: tribe might, battle victores and defeats from Viking Rise UI screenshot (English)


The interface in the picture is structured into distinct sections that provide players with key statistics and information about their game progress. Each section includes clearly labeled headings, which helps users quickly identify the category of data being presented.

Might Section

  • Labels: Includes "Building Might," "Research Might," "Troop Might," "Hero Might," and "Mount Might."
  • Function: Each label represents a metric that contributes to the overall strength or capabilities of the player’s forces. Users can assess their might in different areas, indicated by the numerical values next to each category.
  • Form: The labels are displayed in a clear, bold font against a dark background, making them easily readable.

Battle Section

  • Labels: "Victories," "Defeats," and "Total deaths."
  • Function: This section tracks battle performance, allowing players to analyze their combat efficiency and outcomes. All values are currently set to zero.
  • Form: The design remains consistent with the Might section, facilitating a unified user experience.

Resources Section

  • Labels: "Total resources gathered," "Total resources supplied," and "Total Tribe Assists."
  • Function: It tracks the player's resource management and interactions with other players. The information is essential for strategic planning.
  • Form: Similar formatting ensures easy navigation and understanding.

Scouting Section

  • Labels: "Scout Attempts" and "Scouted By Others."
  • Function: This section records scouting activities, providing insight into exploration efforts and awareness of external scouting.
  • Form: Consistent with the other sections, maintaining visual coherence throughout the interface.

Overall, the UI is designed for clarity, presenting information in a structured manner that helps players easily monitor their game status across various metrics. The use of contrasting colors and fonts enhances readability and functionality.


Viking Rise



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matej94v's profile picture thumbnail matej94v


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