view hero tips

view hero tips from Viking Rise UI screenshot (English)


In the picture, the user interface features include a series of icons and a prominent label for functionality.

  1. Icons: On the left side, there are two dark, stylized icons. The first icon, resembling a document or note, likely serves as a shortcut to access information or tips about the game's hero or character.

  2. Main Label: Centered in the UI is the label "View Hero Tips," which is clearly indicated in a larger, bold font. This label suggests that selecting this option will provide helpful information or strategies related to the hero, making it intuitive for users seeking guidance.

  3. Visual Styling: The icons and text have a clean, modern aesthetic that complements the background, which appears to feature a snowy outdoor scene. The contrast between the dark icons and the light-colored label enhances readability.

Overall, the design emphasizes functionality while maintaining a visually appealing form consistent with the game's theme.


Viking Rise



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