replay tutorial missions
The user interface (UI) features various labeled sections and elements designed to guide player interactions.
Main Areas:
- Smoldering City: Serves as a central hub, likely indicating the game's primary location or theme.
- Daily Expedition and Training Expedition: Function buttons for engaging in specific gameplay modes, suggesting a focus on daily challenges and skill improvement.
Tutorials Section:
- Tutorials Heading: Introduces the purpose of this section, which is to facilitate replaying tutorial missions and unlocking scenarios.
- Mission List: Features various missions with checkboxes for progress tracking. This includes:
- Basics: Completed mission indicated by a checkmark.
- Needs & Resolve: Completed.
- Hostility & Trade: Incomplete.
- Rainpunk & Blightrot: Incomplete, denoted by an empty checkbox.
Details Panel for Royal Woodlands:
- On the Right Side: Highlights a specific mission, "Royal Woodlands," with the minimum difficulty level stated as "Settler."
- Effects and Rewards: Clearly outlines mission effects and reward items, enhancing the player's understanding of incentives, such as resources and bonuses.
Read More Section:
- Provides additional resources or links for deeper gameplay mechanics, with titles like "The Blightstorm Cycle," "Ancient Seals," and "Modifiers and World Events," encouraging further exploration.
The form is functional, with a clear dark-themed layout that enhances readability and player engagement. The structure is intuitive, promoting an organized flow of information and ease of navigation.
Against the Storm
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