autorun key, jump key, moving and relocating building key binds
The image displays a user interface (UI) for a control scheme, likely for a video game. The layout is vertical, with action labels on the left and corresponding key bindings on the right. The use of contrasting colors—light text on a dark background—enhances readability.
Features and Functions:
Autorun (J): Allows the character to run automatically, freeing up the player to focus on other actions.
Jump (Space): Essential for movement mechanics, enabling players to jump over obstacles or navigate terrain.
Interact (Use) (E): Used for engaging with objects or characters within the game, supporting interaction mechanics.
Interact (Cancel) (X): Provides a way to cancel interactions, ensuring players have control over their actions.
Relocate Building (F): Likely used in building or construction mechanics to reposition structures.
Pick Building (G): Facilitates selecting a building or structure for further action, aiding in gameplay strategy.
Customize: Allows players to alter their character or settings, offering personalization options.
Attack: A fundamental action for combat mechanics, enabling players to engage enemies.
Photo Mode (P): This feature lets players capture in-game images, promoting creative expression within the game.
The consistent alignment of labels and keys allows for intuitive navigation and quick reference.
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