in-game pause (continue, give up, or quit)

in-game pause (continue, give up, or quit) from Hades II Early Access UI screenshot (English)


The interface displays a pause menu framed by an ornate, decorative border, suggesting a thematic design. At the top center, the word "PAUSED" is prominently featured in a large, stylized font, indicating the current game state.

Beneath it, four options are listed:

  1. Continue - This option is highlighted in a bright green, indicating its primary function for resuming gameplay.
  2. Options - This allows users to adjust various game settings.
  3. Give Up - This option lets players concede or end their current session.
  4. Quit - This provides a way to exit the game entirely.

At the bottom of the menu, a helpful instruction reads “CLOSE THIS SCREEN AND PROCEED,” guiding the user on what to do next regarding the pause action.

The color scheme is dark with hints of vibrant hues, enhancing the atmospheric effect while maintaining clarity in the text.


Hades II Early Access



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