supply cache

supply cache from The Last Stand: Aftermath UI screenshot (English)


The UI in the picture is structured to manage a "Supply Cache" and features clear labels and functions.

  1. Title: "SUPPLY CACHE" is prominently displayed at the top, indicating the context of the UI.

  2. Inventory Items:

    • Bandages: Listed with a visual icon and quantity (6), indicating availability.
    • Painkillers: Listed similarly with an icon and quantity (2). Each item is categorized as "MEDICAL," providing clarity on their use.
  3. Actions:

    • [HOLD] TAKE ITEMS: In a red button, this label is clear and instructs the user on how to collect the items from the supply cache. The use of a red color alerts urgency.
    • [HOLD] ACTIVATE BEACON: In a yellow button, this label also instructs the user on an alternative action. The yellow tone distinguishes it from the take action, hinting at a different purpose.
  4. Information Message: There’s a message explaining that the items will be converted to "Supply" for future use. This adds context for why the user might want to activate the beacon rather than just taking items.

  5. Resource Indicator: At the top right, a "+" symbol indicates potential gains to the user's resources (+125). This quantitative feedback is motivational.

Overall, the UI is functional with a clean layout, using colors and labels effectively to guide user interactions.


The Last Stand: Aftermath



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