settings screen

settings screen from Into the Breach UI screenshot (English)


The UI shown in the picture is a settings menu for a game, organized into several sections with clear, functional labels for user interaction. Here's a breakdown of its features:

Sections and Features:

  1. Gameplay:

    • Combat Speed: A slider to adjust the speed of combat, allowing for real-time changes.
    • Options: Checkboxes for:
      • Tutorial Tips: Toggle tutorials on or off.
      • End Turn Confirmation: Enable or disable confirmation before ending a turn.
      • Grid Coordinates: Show grid positions during gameplay.
      • Game Timer UI: Display a timer.
      • Larger Fonts: Increase font size for better readability.
    • Buttons:
      • Select Language: A button to choose the game’s language.
      • Edit Hotkeys: A button for customizing keyboard controls.
  2. Video:

    • Fullscreen: Checkbox to toggle the game between fullscreen and windowed modes.
    • Stretch Scaling: Checkbox for adjusting how the game scales on different screens.
    • Frame Limit: Checkbox to set a cap on the frame rate.
    • Colorblind Mode: Toggle for options supporting colorblind players.
    • Disable Screen Shake: Checkbox to prevent screen shake effects during gameplay.
    • Default Windowed: Option to revert to windowed mode by default.
    • Max Board Scale: Adjustable setting indicating how large game boards can be scaled.
  3. Gamepad:

    • Cursor Sensitivity: Slider for adjusting sensitivity settings of the cursor.
    • Mode: Dropdown labeled “Quick Select” for selecting input modes.
    • Checkboxes:
      • Rumble: Option to enable or disable controller vibration.
      • Snap to Tiles: Feature to snap cursor movement to game tiles.
      • Gamepad Recognition: Indicates detected gamepad type.
  4. Sound:

    • Volume Sliders:
      • Effects Volume: Adjusts the volume of sound effects.
      • Music Volume: Controls background music volume.
    • Mute All Audio: Checkbox to quickly disable all audio.
  5. Close Button:

    • A prominent Close button to exit the settings menu.

Design and Form:

The UI has a clean, structured layout with distinct sections, each featuring intuitive labels. The use of checkboxes, sliders, and buttons supports ease of navigation, enhancing user experience by providing straightforward controls for customization. Overall, the form is functional, prioritizing usability with a minimalist aesthetic.


Into the Breach



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M S's profile picture thumbnail M S


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