select coop campaign mission

select coop campaign mission from Age of Empires 2 Definitive Edition UI screenshot (English)


The user interface displays various campaign options divided into two sections: the left pane features side-navigation labels for different campaigns, while the right pane presents specific campaign missions for selection.

Left Pane

  • Campaigns Section: This is labeled clearly at the top, indicating its function.
  • Campaign List: Titles such as "Historical Battles" and "Saladin" are highlighted, with "Saladin" selected, indicated by a change in visual state (likely shading). This suggests that only the highlighted campaigns are currently active for selection.
  • Subcategories: Various notable figures and events (e.g., "Attila the Hun," "Tariq ibn Ziyad") represent distinct campaigns. Icons next to each title feature relevant symbols or character representations, adding a visual form to each entry that correlates with its historical context.

Right Pane

  • Mission Selection: Clear visual markers (numbers and titles) categorize each campaign mission. The selected mission, "An Arabian Knight," is highlighted in red, emphasizing its active status.
  • Mission Icons: Each mission icon resembles a covered table, creating a visually cohesive theme that connects them to the campaign setting.
  • Navigation Controls: At the bottom, options to "Confirm" or "Cancel" are presented, with the latter having a distinct red background for high visibility. This allows users to either proceed with their selection or return to the previous screen smoothly.

The combination of these elements provides clear functionality for selecting campaigns and missions while employing a consistent visual style that enhances the user's gaming experience.


Age of Empires 2 Definitive Edition



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